Colon Cancer Diagnosis

Colon Cancer: What You Should Know

Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in America, and numbers among young people are rising rapidly. Recently, colon cancer has been trending due to Chadwick Boseman, the Black Panther star, recently succumbing to the disease. He was only 43 years old. Here’s what you need to know about colon cancer. Colon … Continued

Diagram of Colon

At-Home Colon Cancer Kits – Do They Work?

Colon cancer takes the lives of 50,000 Americans each year. Being responsible for your health and being honest with your doctor can be vital. Colon cancer screening can be awkward and uncomfortable – but with at-home test kits, it is now possible to take the test in the comfort of your own home.  The big … Continued

The Journey of Colon Cancer

The Journey of Colon Cancer

Any cancer diagnosis can be physically and mentally straining. Learning you have colon cancer can be a very stressful time, and may inflict many emotions and concerns about your health. Once you have recognized your feelings and interests, you are already on the road to coping with cancer. What is a Colon? The colon is … Continued

Colon Diagram

Do At-Home Colon Cancer Detection Kits Work?

Given that colon cancer takes the lives of 50,000 Americans each year, taking responsibility for this aspect of your health is vital. In addition to traditional colon cancer screening, it is now possible to test for colon cancer without colonoscopy using at-home colon cancer detection kits. The big question, however, is whether they are a … Continued

colon cancer diet

Lowering Your Risk of Colon Cancer with a Healthy Diet

In 2018, there are roughly 140,250 estimated new cases of colorectal cancer, which is almost 8.1% of men and women. Colorectal cancer is severe and like most cancers, has a higher success rate of survival with preliminary action. Your health is the foundation to lift your chances of obtaining colon cancer. An essential item to … Continued

foods avoid crohns

5 Foods to Avoid if You Have Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is a condition many suffer from and do their best to avoid a flare-up, which often means changes to their diet. Similar to other colorectal conditions, your favorite foods might have to change, and you begin to discover foods to avoid when you have Crohn’s disease in the hopes of not disrupting their … Continued


Your Guide to Diverticulitis

Do you have low fiber in your daily diet and your bowel movements are paying for it? It is a gut feeling to think you just need more fiber in your daily food intake. If you don’t change your diet soon, it might turn into a case of diverticulitis. This colon condition affects several aspects … Continued


Why Do We Fart?

It’s the embarrassing act no one claims when it happens and can clear a room. Farts are a natural human act even when they happen at the most inconvenient moments. But what makes us fart? Facts about farts help you with an explanation to why we release gas from this part of our bodies. While … Continued

Interesting Facts about Hemorrhoids Will Have You Scratching…Your Head

Interesting Facts about Hemorrhoids Will Have You Scratching…Your Head

Feeling the urge to scratch your bottom or not feeling clean after going number 2? Doctors hear their patients self-diagnose themselves with hemorrhoids all the time when in reality, they are not suffering from it. Knowing the facts of hemorrhoids keeps you from assuming you have them when you aren’t suffering from it at all. … Continued

How to Avoid Constipation after Your Hysterectomy

How to Avoid Constipation Hysterectomy

It is common for women who are recovering from a hysterectomy to experience constipation. If you are experiencing constipation after your hysterectomy, we have different ways and techniques to avoid being uncomfortably bound up. Because you are in recovery, your body isn’t getting the same amount of activity as it was before so keeping it … Continued

Colonoscopy 101: Facts about a Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy 101: Facts about a Colonoscopy

Has a colonoscopy been recommended to you recently but you are unfamiliar with what exactly the procedure is? We want you to fully understand what a colonoscopy is and any additional facts about a colonoscopy you need to know to treat colorectal issues. What Is a Colonoscopy? Before we can discuss the facts of the … Continued

Gut Feeling: Symptoms of Crohn's Disease

Gut Feeling: Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

Are you familiar with the common symptoms of Crohn’s disease? This disease is usually diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 30, but how can one tell the difference between common colon issues and symptoms of Crohn’s disease. Understanding the disease’s symptoms may help you find the treatment for your colorectal care. What Is Crohn’s … Continued